Pitts Theology Library Digital Publications

The following works are either new digital publications or updated digital editions of older physical publications.

Translations and Facsimile Editions

A Christian Sermon: Over the Body and at the Funeral of the Venerable Dr. Martin Luther, Preached by Mr. Johann Bugenhagen Pomeranus, Doctor and Pastor of the Churches in Wittenberg

Kurt K. Hendel. (Originally published: 1996)

Enchiridion Geistliker Leder unde Psalmen, Magdeburg 1536.

Stephen A. Crist. (Originally published: 1994)

Huldrych Zwingli: The Implementation of the Lord's Supper

Jim West. (Originally published: 2016)

Johann Tetzel's Rebuttal against Luther's Sermon on Indulgences and Grace

Dewey Weiss Kramer. (Originally published: 2012)

Kessler Reformation Lectures

Elisabeth Creutziger, the Magdeburg Enchiridion, 1536 and Reformation Theology

Robin A. Leaver. (Originally published: 1994)

Luther, Bach, and the Early Reformation Chorale

Robert L. Marshall. (Originally published: 1995)

Pitts Theology Digital Publishing Team

Spencer Roberts, Managing Editor
Liz Miller, Copy Editor