Passional Christi vnnd Antichristi , an annotated digital edition

Page 7

At the right, within a massive portal that suggests the opening to an interior of a castle or palace structure, stands the pope, recognizable through his luxurious robes and triple-tiered tiara. He is backed not only by mitred bishops and cardinals in their distinctive hats but also by a powerful, contemporary army, complete with the latest weapons: halberds and pikes, accompanied by wheeled cannons. The military show of strength clearly denotes the territories and mercenary armies of the pope in Italy, most recently employed in assertive battles waged by Pope Julius II (r. 1503-13gffx). A chain across the portal shows the exclusive preserve or property defended by this pope and showing his worldly power. Approaching him from the left–in the normal direction of reading–is a cluster of nobles on horseback, led by a knight wearing the latest Germanic armor for himself and his mount (Pyrrh et al. 2005; (Terjanian 2011). Behind him rides a man wearing the fashionable jaunty hats popular at the Saxon court of Duke Frederick the Wise of Saxony.

Works Cited

  • Pyrrh, Stuart, Donald LaRocca, and Dirk Brieding. The Armored Horse in Europe 1480-1620. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2005.
  • Terjanian, Pierre. Princely Armor in the Age of Dürer. Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin 4. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2011.