Passional Christi vnnd Antichristi , an annotated digital edition

Page 25

In contrast to the wilderness exterior of the left scene, this contrasting right scene by Cranach takes place within the palace walls of the Vatican, with a view outward through a door toward a full city, nestled beneath another castle. The pope in his tiara, surrounded by his entourage of clergy, points outward to the view as his proud possession. This image was surely sparked by the accompanying texts, since its meaning otherwise remains obscure. They reveal that the possession is in fact being bestowed on a loyal bishop, who stands with his mitre and robes beside the pope: “No bishop should be consecrated to a small city, but rather named and titled bishop of an honorable place.” Thus instead of shedding worldly goods and gains like the original apostles, the modern Church is guilty of simony and accumulation of lucrative benefices.