Passional Christi vnnd Antichristi , an annotated digital edition

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The final pair of the Passional images most fully underscores the essential contrast between Jesus and the pope as well as their ultimate destinies. Like the Entry into Jerusalem pair (plates 17-18), the two protagonists head in opposite directions, but this time the axes are vertical and the destinations are Heaven versus Hell. On the left woodcut the Ascension of Christ appears, together with the Gospel text for that final event of Christ on earth (Acts 1: 9-11) and additional verses from Luke (1:33) and John (12: 26). The depiction by Cranach is conventional, even in its inclusion of the two remaining footprints of Jesus, left atop the Mount of Olives. Below the hillside at lower left stand the followers, both male and female, while in the sky above, flanking the triumphant figure of Christ, hover angelic attendants in clouds. Christ appears with a visible radiance around his head, not seen in previous woodcuts; this is the transfigured and immortal godhead rather than the earthly, suffering, mortal figure. He hovers in midair while holding the cruciform banner of his triumph over death itself.