Passional Christi vnnd Antichristi , an annotated digital edition

Page 27

The corresponding image of the pope shows him seated and enthroned, wearing his tiara while he blesses a facing audience of his clergy, ranging from monks and nuns, who kneel, to mitred bishops, who stand. To a Lutheran community that is develop-ing a doctrine of the priesthood of all believers, this religious hierarchy, founded on a tradition of the sacrament of ordination of priests, is anathema–utterly opposed to the haloed apostles at table in the opposite print. Here the text, composed expressly for this image, actually mentions the kingdom of Antichrist, “complete in outward nature,” and it condemns papal appointments, ordinations, and adornments in the voice of Luther. Finally, it evokes Timothy 4: 1-3, St. Paul on the endtimes, when “some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.”