Passional Christi vnnd Antichristi , an annotated digital edition

Annotations tagged with ManuscriptTranslation

Page 14

6 works of Christ: The blind see, the lame walk, the mute speak, the deaf hear, the lepers [are] clean, the dead rise and the Gospel is preached to the poor.

Page 29

Pay up, in this deal, the price is money, the Pope’s recompense.

Page 9

Bishops and monks are looking up into his backside.

Page 27

The pope lets himself be worshipped in his idolatrous junk shop, where he himself is merchandise.

Page 5

printed by Matthias Males in Erfurt

Page 15

This is true for fools: Ruling sternly over the German fools.

Fight on, good Sirs, fight, and the Papacy shall break.

Page 9

Place a crown on the Pope’s head, then cut off his testicles.

Page 15

These are fighting for the Papacy. The Papacy shall pass.

Page 31

The Pope learns to fly to the devil by God’s command.