Passional Christi vnnd Antichristi , an annotated digital edition

Annotations tagged with TextTranslation

Page 24

Christ: You should have neither gold nor silver; nor money in your belts, nor bags, nor two tunics as well or shoes or a walking-staff. Matthew 10. Saint Peter says: “I have neither gold nor silver.” Acts 3. Where is therefore the inheritance of Peter?

Page 12

Christ: Go to the sea and cast your hook. Open the mouth of the first fish which comes up. You will find a guilder inside, pay the toll with it for me and you. Matthew 17. Render authority which wields the sword in its hands its dues; interest to him who is owed interest; the toll to him to whom it is due. Paul to the Romans 13.

Page 6

Christ: When Jesus became aware that they were going to come and make him king, he escaped again to a mountain, he alone. John 6. My kingdom is not of this world. John 18. The kings of the world rule over them and those who hold power are called gracious lords. Yet you shall not be so, but he who is greater among you shall humble himself as the lesser. Luke 22.

Page 25

Antichrist: No bishop should be consecrated to an insignificant and small city, but rather be appointed and highly honoured with the title of an honourable place. 80. dist. c. Episcopi. We determine that no ordination without sufficient provision is valid. 70. dist. sanctorum.

Page 23

Antichrist: The clergy are all kings and this is shown by the crowns on their heads. duo 12. q. 1. The pope may ride like the emperor and the emperor is his page so that the dignity of the bishop’s status is not diminished. c. Constantinus. 96. dis. The pope is placed above all the peoples and kingdoms. ex. vag. super gentes. John 22.

Page 29

Here sits the Antichrist in the temple of God and presents himself as God, as Paul foretells. 2 Thessalonians 2. He alters all the divine order, as Daniel says, and suppresses holy scripture, sells dispensations, indulgences, cloaks, bishoprics, benefices. He raises up the treasures of the earth, dissolves marriages, burdens consciences with his rules, makes legislation and tears it up again for money. He raises saints, blesses and curses unto the fourth generation, and orders his voice to be heard just like God’s voice. c. sic omnis. dist. 19. And no one should argue against him. 17. 9. 4. c. Nemini.

Page 9

Antichrist: The Emperor Constantine has given us to wear and to use the imperial crown, ornaments and all other regalia just as the emperor wears them, the purple robe, all other robes and the sceptre. c. Constantinus. cxvi. dis. They have composed such lies to uphold their tyranny against all histories and accounts. For it has not been customary for the Roman Emperors to wear such a crown.

Page 27

The kingdom of the Antichrist is wholly of outward nature. For what else does canon law speak of except chasubles, vestments, tonsures, feast days, consecrations, benefices, sects, monks and priests? And they call their possessions and goods spiritual good, they call themselves alone the Christian Church, they call the priests the chosen people of God, as if the laity were not in the church and of God, contrary to all scripture. Additionally, he prohibits meals and marriage, as Paul predicted: “There will come seducing spirits and forbid such things.” 1 Timothy 4.

Page 17

Antichrist: The canon which begins If anyone, having been persuaded and the like sufficiently shows how gladly the pope endures the cross of adversity, when he curses all those who lay their hands on priests and gives them to the devil. And thus the pope also bears the cross of having to be carried by baptised Christians on their shoulders.

Page 15

Antichrist: The pope thinks that it would taint his honour to humble himself. Because he who humbles himself too much allows his reign to be undermined. c. quando 86. dist. Thus the gloss says: “It is true among the fools”, that is, the more severely we govern the German fools, the higher we will stand in their estimation.

Page 18

Christ: I must also preach the kingdom of God to other cities, because I have been sent for this purpose, and have preached in the synagogues of Galilee. Luke 4.

Page 31

Antichrist: The beast was captured along with the false prophet, who had performed signs on its behalf. With these he deceived those who received his sign and worshipped his image; they have sunk into the depth of the fire and sulphur and are killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the white horse. Revelation 19. Then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and overthrow by the glory of his coming. 2 Thessalonians 2.

Page 11

Antichrist: The pope models himself on imitating each of those tyrants and heathen princes who hold out their feet for the people to kiss so that it becomes true what is written: Whoever does not worship the image of this beast shall be killed. Revelation 13. The pope may brazenly boast of this kissing in his decretals. c. cum olim de pri. cle. Si summus pon. de sen. excom.

Page 21

We abrogate all oaths which the clerics have sworn in captivity and order that their goods should be protected not only by the spiritual but also by the worldly sword, until they have their former goods once again. 15. q. 6. c. Auctoritatem. And whoever dies or perishes in this war will attain eternal life. 23. q. 5. c. Omnium et q. 8. c. Omni. This means to be so sure of one’s possessions that one regards them as good even though Christian blood is spilled over them.

Page 30

While they watched he was taken up, and the clouds took him out of their sight. This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come again in the same way as you have seen him go into heaven. Acts 1. His kingdom has no end. Luke 1. Whoever serves me, will follow me; and where I am, there my servant will also be. John 12.

Page 28

He found in the temple those selling sheep, oxen and doves and money changers sitting. And he soon made a whip out of cords and drove out all the sheep, oxen, doves and changers from the temple. He scattered the money, overturned the counting tables and to those selling the doves he said: “Take these away. Do not make a market hall out of my father’s house.” John 2. Freely you have received; therefore freely give. Matthew 10. May your money be with you in damnation. Acts 8.

Page 20

Christ: The foxes have their holes and the birds of the air have their nests. But the son of man has nowhere to lay his head. Luke 9. Although he was rich, yet for our sakes he has become poor, and his poverty has made us rich. 2 Corinthians 8.

Page 32

If not every pamphlet can be called libellous, unless it contains within it libellous vices and misdeeds, so it is clear that this little book cannot be considered libellous nor be prohibited in the laws which have gone out against libellous writings. Since everything which is in it can be found in papal canon law, not simply as something tolerable, but rather as laws. And in particular it has been published solely to show the basis of spiritual and temporal law as a summary and in brief, conducive to the general benefit of Christianity. Consider it therefore good, There will soon be better ones.

Page 26

Christ: The kingdom of God is not in outward signs, see here but there is Christ. Rather the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17. Why do you transgress the commandment of God because of human laws? All who follow human teaching and commandments honour me in vain. Matthew 15, Isaiah 29.

Page 14

Christ: Although Christ took on divine form, he nevertheless divested himself of this, humbled himself and acted like a servant, appearing in the likeness of other men and found as a man who had humbled himself and he has been obedient unto death. Philippians 2.

Page 13

We order and decree that it shall not be appropriate for those who hold secular jurisdiction to impose taxes and contributions on clerical persons or to demand this from their houses and all other goods, on the pain of the ban and interdict. Equally the clergy should not pay all this without our permission. c. i. de immunit. eccle. li. vi. In this way the pope has torn up God’s laws by his laws, which is the sole work of his unchristian decretals.

Page 8

Christ: The soldiers plaited a crown of thorns and pressed it on his head, then clothed him in a purple robe. John 19.

Page 16

Christ: When Jesus walked a long way he became tired. John 4. Whoever wants to imitate me must take upon himself his cross and follow me. Matthew 16. He carried his own cross and went to the place which is called Calvary. [John] 19.

Page 22

Christ: Behold, your king is coming, lowly on a young donkey. Matthew 21. Thus has Christ come, riding on another’s donkey, poor and gentle, and rides not to rule but for a blessed death for us all. John 12.

Page 19

It often happens that the bishops are burdened with many affairs, and, on account of their feuds, sometimes they also cannot provide preaching which should not be the case. Especially when their dioceses are large, then they may commission others to preach on their behalf. c. Inter cetera de offi. ordina. These are the bishops who forget their proper office, have become true animals of the belly and say: “Come let us drink and feast and so live well the whole time.” Isaiah 56.

Page 7

Antichrist: Because of the superiority which without doubt we have over the empire and because of our power, we are the true heirs of the empire, if it falls vacant. Cle. pastoralis ad fi. de sen. et re. iudi. In summary: Nothing else can be found in the pope’s canon law than that he raises his idol and antichrist above all emperors, kings, and princes, as Peter foretold: There will come unashamed bishops who will despise worldly domination. 2 Peter 2.

Page 10

Christ: If I then, who is your lord and master, have washed your feet, so even more should you wash one another’s feet. With this I have given you a demonstration and example that from now on you should also do as I have done to him. Verily, verily, I say unto you, the servant is not greater than his master; nor also is the dispatched messenger greater than he who sent him. Do you know this? Blessed are you if you will do this. John 13.